The Parvuli Dei Emblem

Information and Summary for Cub Scouts, Parents, and Cub Leaders

The Parvuli Dei Program is a program for Bear and Webelos Cub Scouts , and is designed to be pursued in the family unit through discussion with parents and/or guardians. The work on the Parvuli Dei program is done in a workbook available at the Scout Shop. The purpose of the program is to help scouts experience the real meaning of their religion and their relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ in an age appropriate way.

Who can work for this emblem:

A scout may work on this emblem if the scout...
  1. Is a currently registered Cub Scout

  2. Is a practicing Catholic

  3. Has earned his Wolf Rank

  4. Has not earned his Arrow of Light

  5. Has not entered the Boy Scout program

  6. Has obtained approval of Parents/Guardians

How to earn this emblem:

  1. Purchase a workbook from the Sam Houston Council Scout Shop or your Local Area Council.

  2. Begin working on the exercises in the book.

    • Many of the exercises are completed with parents/guardians. This is a major component of this emblem.

    • The exercises and activities should be completed thoroughly at a comfortable pace

    • There is no time limit or deadlines to meet so long as the emblem is completed while still in cub scouts. Many scouts like to complete the emblem before their troop celebrates Scout Sunday which is usually in February or March.

  3. Review the completed workbook with your parish pastor or his designated representative.

  4. Gain approval from your parents/guardians, cub scout leader, and parish pastor or his designated representative by completing any forms which are included in the workbook.

Instructions for Cub Packs on Awarding this emblem

  1. Designate a Cub leader to coordinate the religious emblems in the pack.

  2. Discuss the Emblems Program with the Parish Pastor.

    • Many parish pastors are familiar with the Cub Scout Religious Emblems Programs.

    • Emphasize the goals of the religous emblems program which are growth and exploration of faith rather than religious education.

    • Inform the pastor that his approval or his designated representative's approval is neccessary for this emblem.

    • Point the pastor for sources of more information if needed such as this web site at

  3. Upon Completion of Materials, collect the religious emblems workbooks.

  4. Contact Mel Hart to arrange delivery of the workbooks and approval of the awards.

  5. Purchase the emblems from Mel Hart.

  6. Present the emblems to the Scouts along with the silver-on-purple square knot patch. This should be done on Scout Sunday or a Pack meeting for proper recognition of the Scouts' achievements.

For Additional information on this emblem and other religious emblems, please read the DCCS Galveston-Houston Religious Emblems Guidelines and also the Q & A section of this web site.

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Document Last Modified: Thu 12/3/2015 00:02
Webmaster: Erich Wolz