Archdiocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
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Adult Recognition Brunch

The annual Adult Recognition Brunch will be held on Saturday May 4, 2019 at Sts. Simon & Jude Catholic Community, 26777 Glen Loch Dr, The Woodlands, in the Parish Hall.

Check-in begins at 9:30 a.m. and the Brunch starts at 10:00. Please join us as we congratulate the adults receiving recognition for their contributions to the spiritual development of Catholic youth in the programs of the Boy Scouts of America.

Click here to submit your registration online (the registration deadline is April 26).

Congratulations to this year's honorees:

Scroll of Honor:
Alan Allen
Melissa Allen
Arturo Duran
Gilbert Duran
Michelle Eisterhold
John Gilbert
Katherine Hwu
Mark Kradzinski
Neven Krstulovic
Mike Liittjohan
Andy Prewitt
Teri Schweiss
Steven Vina

Bronze Pelican:
Robert Courtemanche
David Mitchell

St. George:
Joseph Dante
Patrick Weisbrod

Lay Apostolate Formation / Emblems Training

Lay Apostolate Formation (recommended for all Scouters and the first step toward qualifying to become a counselor for the Catholic religious emblems) will be held on the following dates (click here to pre-register):

  • October 5th, 2019 at Bovay Scout Ranch (in conjunction with the annual Boy Scout Retreat).

The Lay Apostolate Formation committee is asking each Catholic chartered unit to host a Lay Apostolate Formation retreat for all adults in the unit, as well as all adults in the home parish. Contact Bruce Davis for more information.

Emblems Training (the second step toward qualifying to become a counselor for the Catholic religious emblems) will be held on the following dates (click here to pre-register):

  • May 4th, 2019 at the St. Thomas More Scout House, 10330 Hillcroft, about five blocks south of Braes Bayou and one block north of Willowbend.

Participants need to bring the following (available from the Scout Shop). Contact Nick Lopez for more information.

  • Light of Christ Workbook
  • Parvuli Dei Workbook
  • Ad Altare Dei Manual
  • Ad Altare Dei Counselor's Guide
  • Pope Pius XII Manual
  • Pope Pius XII Counselor's Guide


October 12, 2018

If this is your first time visiting this site, we would like to welcome you.

"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few." Click here to see how you can help the Master of the harvest. Then, click here to fill out an online membership form!

St. George, Patron Saint of Scouting Many know that Lord Robert Baden-Powell made St. George the Patron Saint of the Scouting Movement, and that the St. George emblem is awarded by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (acting through local dioceses) to adult Scouters who have made significant and outstanding contributions to the spiritual development of Catholic youths through Scouting. If you've ever wondered why Baden-Powell made St. George the Patron Saint of Scouting, find out here and/or here!

If your parish or unit is looking for a special way to recognize Scouts who have completed all four Catholic religious emblems (Light of Christ, Parvuli Dei, Ad Altare Dei, and Pope Pius XII), two options are now available! The Archdiocese of Los Angeles offers the Chi Rho patch and the Diocese of Colorado Springs offers the Pillars of Faith - Duty to God pin (for which the Diocese of Nashville offers customizable card template and certificate template documents).

The National Catholic Committee on Scouting has established the Emmett J. Doerr Memorial Distinguished Scout Scholarship to be awarded to three outstanding Catholic high school seniors who are Scouts in a BSA program and continuing their education in college. For more information, click here.

Did you know... there has been an active Catholic Scouting forum (for the discussion of programs and issues relating to the Church in Scouting and Scouting in the Church) since November 2003? Do you participate? If not, click here for more information - and to subscribe!

The National Catholic Committee on Scouting has instituted the Good Turn Service Project to recognize Catholic-chartered units for their service to the charter organization. Any Boy Scouts of America unit chartered by a Catholic organization (church, Knights of Columbus, CYO, etc.) may participate in the program.

If you have not seen it, read the USCCB publication Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry. The framework includes Scouting as Catholic Youth Ministry. Helpful when working with Youth Ministers who do not see Scouting as Youth Ministry!

Frank Parater, one of the first Eagle Scouts in Virginia (1915) may become the first Scout to be canonized. Pray for his cause! You can read more here.

Eagle Scout Certificate Certificates from the National Catholic Committee on Scouting recognizing Catholic Scouts who have attained the rank of Eagle Scout are available for $3. Contact Melvin Hart for details, or fill out an online certificate request form.

Turn around time is one week.

NCCS Quality Diocese
The Archdiocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston is proud to have earned the National Quality Diocesan Committee award for 2014. We are one of the few dioceses in the nation that has earned this award every year it has been offered, beginning in 2002!

Check out the updated page of BSA units chartered to Catholic organizations in the Archdiocese. Well over 170 units are now listed!

Also check out the Pope Paul VI Unit Award page for a brief history of this award (and contact the webmaster if you have anything to add).

Finally, check out the pages of St. George Emblem recipients and Bronze Pelican Emblem recipients! Note: We would like to similarly recognize all our Scroll of Honor recipients and Bishop Morkovsky Award recipients. If you are (or know) a recipient of this award, please contact the webmaster and let him know when you received your award!

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