Mission Statement: Lay Apostolate Formation has been developed for Scouters who seek to form and inform themselves as disciples of Christ. These Scouters then share their formation and information with Scouts and other Scouters, not only by what they say, but also by what they do. Participation in this program, then, prepares Scouters to better offer their talents and charisms in the service of the Church. Scope of Work of the Lay Apostolate Formation Committee: In the Galveston Houston Archdiocese, participation in a Lay Apostolate Formation program, in effect a one day retreat, is the first step toward qualifying to become a religious emblems counselor. Further, as Scouting is Youth Ministry in the Catholic Church, it is the long range goal of the Lay Apostolate Formation committee to see that every Catholic Sponsored Scouting unit conducts an annual Lay Apostolate Formation retreat. Lay Apostolate Formation will be conducted on the following dates:
Unless otherwise noted, check-in is at 8:45 AM and program start is at 9:00 AM. Click here to pre-register! Scouters should bring their Bibles and money for lunch. Mass will be optional at the Church afterwards. |
Document Last Modified: Tue 1/1/2019 09:52 | Webmaster: Erich Wolz |